Wednesday 1 October 2008

K2 Screen

Screen print quality has always been regarded highly in my eyes due to the personal touches and the time and attention to produce the perfect end product.

K2 Screen have a range of clients and is commited to the mastered art of screen printing.

I firmly believe that pen is more mighter than illustrator and this proves the artist quality that can be produced without a computer.

The website layout is somewhat unoriginal and generic compared to most of the creative design websites I have seen. It is also too minimalist and simple, thus lacking an identity for itself.

Left adjusted title bar menus on a white background and grey/ black typeface.
The K2 icon logo is reminisent of screen printing, pastel palette and san serif type. I think there is definately room for improvement. Especially with the kerning!

On the otherhand, designers with a low budget and lack of time a simplified website is a good start, but requires something to stand out from the competitors.