Tuesday 30 September 2008

American Apparel tights

Simple, but bold.

Like the ipod nano line up.
An array of bold colours is the 21st Century design phenominon!

American apparel stock the same garment in evey other colour too.

What really got my attention was the way a basic pair of tights were marketed.

Utilising contortionist to display the tights in an unusal and unnatural positions certainly draws attention to the where the body parts are placed and the tights convienately displayed to their full glory.

Also, the robustness stretch and coolness are borrowed from the contortionist. I sense of enpowerment and oringinality!

Pompidou Centre

A contemporary designed building holding some of the most famous and recent artworks siutated in the elegant Parisian centre. One of my favorite structures and the best building in Paris, for sure.

The daring use of bold colours and radical transformation from traditional, using monumential buildings to signify importance and status has been torn up. Escalators and that protrude in segments and made a feature of is unique to my knowledge and an inspiration to design differently and make a statement.

Every angle provides a new composition, a building that you could never be bored by.
The architecture is just as good as the exhibitons inside.

New Ipod Nano

As design students we always prefer the functional apple brand that oozes style. The new ipod nano is no exception to it ever so well thought out concepts of functionality.

I particulary love how shuffling the playlist of songs uses the motion of a shake to the device. Ingenius

Green thinking

I went to the first Latitude festival hosted in 2006 in the Suffolk countryside.
I felt it was particulary different to my experiences compared with Leeds Carling festival.

The Latitude festival was more orientated to being enviromentally friendly and very green. The website is eccentuated through the country-esque of rolling green fields that reflect the solar panelled showers installed and recycling resources available.

RKCR&YR agency

Is a London design agency who use strategic planning and marketing that targets the audience and therefore can measure the success of what works and why.

It's interesting to see how design creative out there present their website and the work they have produced. It has given me a lot of inspiration for my own online portfolio I am currently working on. I have learnt that you can be as inventive and unrestricted on website design.

I really like the website as it is really quirky and expresses a fun quality to the agency.

Saturday 27 September 2008

Dr slump

A 1980's a Japanese graphic manga novel, turned anime series before using a quirky fictional storyline. The reason I commend Dr Slump is due to the use of bold colours and inventive creativity of sheer wackyness.

The plot is about the adventures of Arale, who was invented by Dr Slump. She is essentially an android girl living in the penguin village, quite a futuristic vision from nearly 30 years ago.

Collection of lorry type

Eric Tabuchi's collection of lorry alphabet

Jewish holocaust museum

The holocaust museum in Berlin resides underground and the atmosphere is rather strange compared to a exhibiting gallery. The passages through the museums lead you on a journey of emphemera photographs and personal accounts on the events that unfolded over war.

The contrast between the modern minimalistic building and historical events is quite cold and eerie. Without natural sunlight a uncomfortable silence and loneliness ressonates throughout the entire visit. The effect of the location takes you away from the touristy busy streets of sunny Berlin and works to engross the audience into a serious and tragic piece of history.

Visual deterrent warnings of smoking

Tobacco adverts and cigarette smoking have had so many restrictions placed upon it today. We are all aware of the warnings and health risks that are placed upon the actual packet of Malboros.

I read that on the BBC website they are going to place photos of cancerous lungs on these next week.

The visuals project a much stronger and instant message for sure. It could go further with the packaging a having unpleasent odours in the packaging if it were for a campaign to stop smoking. Maybe a box made from harsh textures, like sandpaper?

johnsonbanks layout

I really love the layout and copy of Johnson Banks website.

The colours are striking on the white background and the mind map idea is simple but brillant.

Too Faced

Too faced products are well designed and thought out in their packaging and marketing. Like the benefit brand too faced offer quirky packaging and interesting names for their makeup products. Too faced in itself states an alternate look as well as the obvious two faced which is a negative attribute.

World Dominationtour promises a kit arranged like a grand theatre set with lots of drama and intrciate detail to enpower the owner. Where essentially it is just a palette of colours.

The price tag comes from the concept of how it will sit on the dressing table and how it functions and transports. Ingenius and elaborate design.

Friday 26 September 2008

Schindler's List

I think the cinematography of Schlinder's List is appropriatly executed with respects to the sensitive topic of the holocaust and at the same time presents a documentry-esque biography of accounts in black and white film.

The seriousness and alternate art direction drew my attention. The simplicity and use of the little girl in the red coat for a metaphoric reference to death and blood was an intriguing decison made by Spielberg.

From such a tragic event in history I commend how Spielberg used the success of the fillm to fund an archive to maintain accounts from the survivors of the holocaust.

Tim Burton, a child's garden of nightmares

Drawing inspiration from our childhood and what we admired is what most film makers starting place. Disney instructed their illustrators to do this too and Burton was unable to draw 'cute foxes'. The underlying problem was his childhood was quite different, growing up to love monster and gouls. It was not a typical 'normal' experience that Disney expected.

Tim Burton shines the best as one of today's best film makers, because he is himself. Expressing his childhood experience, creating imaginative and dark film genres. A far cry from Disney's perfect bubble wrap of storylines. Burton gives us a reality and rawness that we appauld him for. To be different.

Le Corbruiser - Villa Savoye

Unbelievably Villa Savoye was built in 1929 and represents an international style of modernity and urban living. I admire Le Corbruiser's ingenius forsight of futuristic living so early in the 20th century. He is up with artists like Mondrian who designed with form and structure.

Built for luxury and the rich, the architectural considerations includs automobiles of the day and incorporating the garden with builing. Using the balcony above, the owners can drive the car under the house and be shielded from the rain.

I commend his attention to detail in this respect and pioneering vision of originality and bravery to break the mould of expectations. Using concrete he manage to construct open planning without the constraints of supporting walls.

However, I do not think that such an art work is suitable for living. Its function is beyond a home, it is a structure to be admired.

Takagi Masakatsu

A Japanese muitimedia artist, Masakatsu san creates music primarily of the experimental kind. Using final cut pro and his quirky observations of people he develops a visual story for the the audio pieces.

My favourite is J.F.P in the Joural for people album. It doesn't fit into any genre that I can relate to, but has been classed as 'electronica', but it has a timeless and chilled quality to it.

Influence: Science and Practice by Dr Robert Cialdini

One of my areas of interest in psychological studies is the affect and influence and behaviour. This shows show the studies of persuasion and marketing products based on the way they are presented, what or how they look as branding is concerned.

He described using 'weapons of influence', interestly enough you can see how his rules have been applied with celebrity endorsments, avon sells women and limited editions of products.

The Tipping point

How little things can make a big difference is encapsulated by this book, written by Malcolm Gladwell.

The book reviews influences over human behaviour and can be related to how advertising attempts to communicate, sell and establish awareness of certain messages or products. It is really an interesting read and gives theories of sudden shifts in our society; including the popularity of hush puppies rebranded by the an crowd of consumers who made the brand 'trendy'.

In essence, the message supports word of mouth as the most influential of all advertising -"Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do."

Thursday 25 September 2008

Helvetica, but not as you recognise it

I stumbled acrossed a typography design brief competition winner (from the student catergory). Set by MPA advertising awards present Helvetic in a way the judges would not recognise...

I think the idea is humorous, it's simple and straightforward and fulfils the brief. Helvetica is truly used in everyday occurances such as the typeface for nestle products, the north face, energizer, staples and muji to name but just a few!

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Swiss pooch poop sign

On my travels to Swizterland not only was the country immaculately clean, but the Swiss design for this dog litter sign amused me with its alteration of the typcial mundane and generic depication of its sort.

My response to this minimalistic yellow and black was of curiosity when I first glanced upon it. The evolution of man resulting in picking up dog litter was certainly different! Thinking more in depth to the concept behind this, I believe the sign depicts and emphasised dog owners to be civilised and courteous...

From a design point of view the message is the same as a traditional sign. It's brightly coloured and does it's purpose of indictating this and to encourage dog walkers? Well, the concept is good I'm not sure the average joe will give it as to much thought of what the sign is trying to say apart from the obvious